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Even with any prescribed immunisation and vaccinations, you should always take precaution against insects. Species like mosquitos and tsetse flies are well known to carry certain illnesses and are especially prevalent during and just after the rainy season, as well as in the low-lying areas which happen to be the most popular for wildlife. You should use insect repellent throughout the day and try to cover up any bare skin as soon as the sun goes down – as this is prime-bite-time.

When it comes to food and drink, avoid ordering drinks with ice; be careful of vegetables or fruits grown on the ground (such as lettuce or strawberries), as well as those served raw; avoid mayonnaise or other egg-based sauces, and food from street vendors; and always peel fruit before you eat it.

Tap water in the major towns is purified and perfectly safe to drink. In the more remote areas always boil it first, except if you’re staying at a lodge or hotel where drinking water is boiled already. Bottled water is readily available in the bigger towns.